Health literacy, according to the Institute of Medicine, is "the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions" and research has shown that patients are not all created equal.
There are many resources that help health care institutions develop strategies for teaching people how to appropriately access health care and use it to their best interest. Following is a description of two sites:
An asthma management program that includes telephonic case management, home visits, and physician incentives has saved money and earned accolades for Priority Health, a health plan company based in Grand Rapids, MI.
To determine what barriers prevent patients with low health literacy from navigating a health care system, it's important for organizations to do an inventory.
Education about skin cancer is still needed, says Linda K. Franks, MD, FAAD, director of Gramercy Park Dermatology in New York City, though it is common to see adults on vacation making little effort to avoid the known risks for skin cancer, which is exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
The principal purpose of this clinical study was to evaluate the efficacy of gemcitabine relative to a clinical standard therapy, pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (PLD) in women with ovarian cancer relapsing within a year of primary treatments.
Sentinel node localization and sampling has become a standard practice in the evaluation of regional nodal status for patients with breast cancer and cutaneous melanoma.
One hundred and twenty subjects with symptoms of idiopathic detrusor overactivity (OAB) were recruited to evaluate the efficacy of reflexology compared to nonspecific foot massage.